Q & A Table of Contents
How Can I Prove I'm A Good Negotiator?
From: Jenny, Wembley, Australia
Question: Among selection criteria for a management position for which I have applied, I am asked to demonstrate well-developed negotiation skills. What are they key points I need to address?
Response: The best way to demonstrate good negotiation skills is to do so in an active negotiation. I have not run across any tests that prove how good a negotiator one is since every negotiation has its own peculiarities -- even with a person with whom you negotiate all the time.
We remind participants in our negotiation courses they need to be cognizant of seven elements in the negotiation process. We also tell our participants that these elements are not listed in any particular order of priority; sometimes one factor is more important, sometimes another. The seven process elements are: Relationship, Interests, BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement, Creativity, Commitment, Fairness, and Communication. In addition, a good negotiator is well-prepared.
Thus, when asked to demonstrate your negotiation skills, you should enter into a negotiation to try to learn why the skills are important, how they need to be used, and what sorts of situations you are likely to face that require negotiation in the new job. When your interviewer gives you examples of the kinds of situations that require negotiation, you can talk about what you would do and how you would handle obstacles that might arise in the process. Demonstrate your creativity and flexibility -- and your capacity to really listen to what others are saying.
Good luck,